Section 1: Assembly & Set-Up
Section 1:
Assembly & Set-Up
Tractor Requirements
This Powered Ditcher is designed with a Category l & ll
3-point hitch and 540 RPM rear power take-off (PTO)
speed. Tractor horsepower rating should be between
30 & 60 PTO horsepower. Tractors outside this
horsepower range must not be used.
To avoid serious injury or death:
Lightweight tractors with rear attached implements may
Your ditcher must be mounted only to 30 to 60 HP tractors
with Cat. l or ll 3-point hitch. Tractors below this range are
under powered and tractors above this range may damage
the ditcher and cause loss of control.
Tractor Hook-Up
Refer to Figure 1-1:
To avoid serious injury or death:
Land Pride’s Quick Hitch can be attached to
the tractor to provide quick and easy 3-point hook-
up and detachment. See your nearest Land Pride
dealer to purchase a Quick-Hitch.
Operator can chose to insert hitch pins (#6)
in upper clevis holes “E” or lower clevis holes “F”.
The lower clevis holes “F” should be used to raise
ditcher higher when loading unit on a trailer.
Slowly back tractor up to ditcher while using tractor’s
3-point hydraulic control lever to align lower arm hitch
holes with either clevis holes (“E” or “F”) and Cat. l or
Cat. ll hook-up clevis.
Engage tractor park brake, shut tractor engine off,
and remove key before dismounting from tractor.
Attach lower lift arms to the ditcher clevises with hitch
pins (#6). Secure hitch pins with linchpins (#5).
Connect top center link to upper clevis with customer
supplied 3/4" clevis pin (#4) and hairpin cotter (#9).
Customer supplied bushing (#8) should be included
if attaching ditcher with a Cat. ll 3-point hitch.
Ensure that the lower hitch arms are blocked to
prevent excessive side movement.
Leveling The Powered Ditcher
Refer to Figure 1-1:
From the tractor’s seat, slowly operate 3-point
controls to raise parking stands off the ground
several inches.
Manually adjust one of the two lower lift arms up or
down to level the ditcher from left to right.
Manually adjust length of center 3-point link to tilt
front of ditcher down 2
to 5
. For more details, see
“Leveling And Tilt Adjustment”
Driveline Installation
To avoid serious injury or death:
Do not engage power take-off while hooking-up or
3-Point Hook-up
Figure 1-1
Cat. l Hook-up Clevis
Cat. ll Hook-up Clevis
Items 4, 8, & 9 are
Customer Supplied