Chapter 8: Setting up the UMTS profile
8 Setting up the UMTS profile
Internet access
The quickest way to set up Internet access via UMTS/HSxPA is to use the Inter-
net Wizard in LANconfig.
Mark your LANCOM UMTS Router in the selection window. From the com-
mand line, select Extras
Setup Wizard.
In the selection menu, select the Setup Wizard, Set up Internet connec-
tion and confirm the selection with Next.
To set up the Internet access, select the UMTS interface, your network
operator, enter the APN (Access Point Name) and the PIN number for your
SIM card. The Wizard then carries out all other settings automatically.
110584_LC-1751-UMTS-MANUAL-EN.book Page 56 Tuesday, February 26, 2008 5:16 PM