LANCOM 1722 VoIP – LANCOM 1723 VoIP – LANCOM 1724 VoIP – LANCOM 1823 VoIP
Chapter 1: Introduction
Attempts to break in to the local network or central firewall are recog-
nized, repelled and recorded by the Intrusion Detection System (IDS) in the
LANCOM. There is a choice of alarms including in-device logging, e-mail
messaging, SNMP traps or SYSLOG alarms.
Denial-of-Service protection
In addition to conventional break-ins, attacks from the Internet may aim
to block the availability of individual services. For this reason, the
LANCOM router is equipped with appropriate security mechanisms to rec-
ognize popular hacker attacks and guarantee router functionality.
Quality of Service/traffic management
The term Quality of Service (QoS) embraces a range of functions in your
LANCOM. QoS functions consider the powerful classification methods
used by firewalls (e.g. restriction to subnets, individual workstations or
certain services). These enable Quality of Service to be very precisely con-
By guaranteeing a minimum bandwidth, precedence can be assigned to
enterprise-critical applications, VoIP telephony or certain user groups.
Details about the functions of the LANCOM Router stateful-inspection
firewall are available in the reference manual.
Voice over IP
The term Voice over IP (VoIP) refers to voice communications over computer
networks based on the Internet protocol (IP). The core idea is to provide the
functions of traditional telephony via cost-effective and wide-spread net-
working structures such as the LAN or Internet. VoIP itself is not a standard,
rather it is a collective term for the various technologies (equipment, proto-
cols, voice encoding, etc.) which make voice communications in IP networks
Example Applications
Voice over IP solutions offers advantages across a broad spectrum of applica-
tions, starting with small companies and extending to large corporations with
extensive networks of subsidiaries. In the following section, we will demon-
strate a number of examples.
Detailed instructions on configuration are available in the PBX Func-
tions manual or in the LCOS reference manual.