/ 60
CN-100 P
No nebulisation or
nebulisation speed slow
when the device is on.
Does the drug reservoir
contain any of the drug?
Add the appropriate volume of
the drug to the drug reservoir.
Does the drug reservoir
contain too much or not
enough of the drug?
Is the spray cap missing or
not assembled correctly?
Attach the spray cap correctly.
Has the nebulisation kit
been correctly assembled?
Assemble the nebulisation
kit correctly.
Is the cannula blocked?
Check that the cannula
is not obstructed.
Is the nebulisation kit tilted
at too steep an angle?
Make sure that the nebuli-
sation kit is not tilting at an
angle of more than 45 degrees.
Is the air tube connected
Check that the air tube is
correctly attached to the com-
pressor and nebulisation kit.
Is the air tube folded
or damaged?
Check that the air tube
is not twisted.
Is the air tube blocked?
Check that there air tube
is clear of obstructions.
Is the air filter dirty?
Replace the air filter
with a brand new one.
The device is unusually noisy. Has the air filter cover
been correctly attached?
Attach the air filter
cover correctly?
The device is very hot.
Is the compressor covered?
Do not cover the compressor
with anything when in use.
If the solution suggested does not resolve the problem, do not try to repair the device
since no component of the unit can be repaired by the user.
Return the unit to a retail outlet or approved LANAFORM distributor.
Model: CN-100P LA120420
Type: Compression-driven nebuliser
Nominal value (compressor with nebuliser): 1.5V x 4 AA batteries or USB 5 V 1A
Operating conditions: Operates intermittently: 20 mins. on/40 mins. off
Temperature/Moisture content when running : +5°C to +40°C/15% at 85% HR
Temperature/Moisture content when stored: -25°C to +35°C with relative humidity below
90°C with no condensation and between 35°C and 70°C with water vapour up to 50hPa
Atmospheric pressure: HR 700 - 1,060 hPa
Weight: Approximately 180g (compressor only)
Dimensions: Approximately 115 (L) x 77 (H) x 42 (P) mm
Contents: Compressor, nebulisation kit, tube à air (PVC, 100cm), replacement air filters
(5 units), mouth piece, adult’s mask (PVC), children’s mask (PVC), USB cable, storage
bag, instructions for use.
Operating time: 15 minutes on/40 minutes off.
Built-in timer: The compressor runs for 15 minutes once the on/off button has been
pressed and then stops.
Compression output: 2-10/min
Compression pressure: 360-550mmHg
May be changed without prior notice.
The device may not run if the temperature and voltage are different from those defined
in the technical features.
Do not use the device in places where it might be exposed to flammable gases.
This device complies with the provisions of European Community Directive 93/42/EEC
(Directive on medical devices) and European standard EN13544-1:2007, Oxygen Therapy
Equipment - Part 1: Nebulisation systems and their components.
Volume of the appropriate drug.
2ml minimum - 10ml maximum
Drug reservoir capacity:
10ml maximum
Size of the particles:
**MMAD Approximately 3.9 μm
MMAD = mass median aerodynamic diameter
Nebulisation rate:
Approximately 0.3ml/min (depending on weight loss)
Approximately 58dB at a distance of 1 metre
Aerosol outlet:
0,3627 ml (1 % M/V) NaF
Aerosol output:
0,045 ml/min (1 % M/V) NaF/min
Performance may vary with certain drugs such as suspensions or drugs with high viscosity.
Consult the drug supplier’s data sheet for further details.
** Measurements taken independently according to standard EN 13544-1.
With the increase in the number of electronic devices such as the PC and mobile (cell)
phones, medical devices can be subject when in use to electromagnetic interference
released by other devices. Electromagnetic interference can disturb the operation of
the medical device and create a potentially dangerous situation.
Medical devices must not interfere with other devices either.
In order to regulate the requirements relating to the EMC (electromagnetic compatibility)
with the aim of preventing any dangerous situation arising caused by the product, the
EN 60601-1-2:2007 standard has been implemented. This standard defines the degrees
of immunity to electromagnetic interference as well as the maximum levels of electro-
magnetic emissions for medial devices.
This medical device complies with this EN 60601-1-2:2007 standard both in terms of
immunity and emissions.
It is nevertheless important to take special precautions:
Do not use mobile (cell) phones and other devices that generate powerful electrical or
electromagnetic fields close to the device. This might disturb the operation of the medical
device and create a potentially dangerous situation. Keeping a minimum distance of 7m
away is recommended. Check that the device is running properly if it is closer than this.
All the packaging is composed of materials that pose no hazard for the environment and
which can be disposed of at your local sorting centre to be used as secondary raw materials.
The cardboard may be disposed of in a paper recycling bin. The packaging film must be
taken to your local sorting and recycling centre.