SHOP projectors can work in Stand-alone both single and in banks, that means without the need of a control unit,
in Master/Slave function, since any luminaries can be Master of a bank, it becomes able to control synchronously
all the other SHOP fixtures and to manage a menu for a total of 255 options, from static colours till cross-fading at
variable speeds.
To make the SHOP operating in Stand-alone mode, you must put in position ON the dip-switch 10. This enable the
SHOP to start its own program that will advance following the table.
SHOP 250
, once in stand-alone functioning, you just connect the DMX cable starting from the DMX MASTER
plug (see page 2 object n°7) and the unit will perform the same program to all the other units.
SHOP 150
, once in stand-alone functioning, the DMX cable remain connected to the DMX OUT plug (see
page 7 object n°6) and, to make the unit Master of a bank, position to top the Master/Slave switch (see page 7
object n°11). This switch interrupt the DMX parallel line between DMX IN and DMX OUT, enabling the projector to
perform a DMX signal that will be transmitted to all projectors connected.
All the “Slave” fixtures must be addressed on DMX 001. This means with the dip-switch 1 in position ON
and all the other dip-switches in OFF position.
When you want to operate the SHOP 150 with a DMX controller, verify that the Master/Slave switch on the
rear of projector (11) will be in down position. (differently the signal will not pass through)
Putting the dip-switch n°10 in position ON enable the unit to work in stand-alone functioning performing the menu
of channel 4.
To reach the needed colour changing mode you must give to the dip-switches the value of the function you need
through the normal binary code system. In example to perform colour changing from colour 2 to colour 7 (see
colour mode) you must reach a value of 160 (see channel 4, special functions), so you must put in position on the
switch 32 and the switch 128 (in fact in binary code 32+128=160). At this point the unit perform the colour changing
from colour 2 to colour 7 and change the colour every second. To make the colour changing slower, you must put
in position ON other switches. In example if you give a value of 161 (1+32+128=161) the colour will change every 2
seconds, if you give the value of 163 (1+2+32+128=163) the colour will change every about 6 seconds, and go on
like this till 191 (1+2+4+8+16+32+128=191) where the colour will change every half of an hour. In short the dip-
switches 6, 7 and 8 (values 32,64 and 128) establish, alone or in combination, the different modes, while the dip-
switches from 1 to 5 (values 1,2,4,8 and 16) give the interval, from 1 second to half an hour, to the colour changing
Only SHOP 150
1 Power supply
2 5A or 6,3A fuse
3 Lamp access
11 Master/Slave switch