The letters in zone 1 correspond to the led’s colours:
- R (Red leds)
- G (Green leds)
- B (Blue leds)
- A (Amber leds when used)
- STROB (frequency of the flashed of strobe effect)
The parameter in zone 2 is between 0 and 255 for each letter in zone 1
LED: 0 all led is off, 255 led on at the maximum power
Strobe: 0 the strobe effect is off, 255 the frequency rises to the maximum speed.
The symbols in zone 4 correspond to the function of the buttons A, B, D, E (Fig. 2).
Pressing the C button you can select the sections of the display.
The selected section will be light in hold characters, once selected the parameter, use button
A and B to change the value.
Zone 3: shows which group of projectors is used, see under the LIGHT N sign, you can
choose to control group 1 (select the value from 1 to 6) or to control all groups (select ALL).
To see how to assign a projector to one group see pag.2.
Pressing the
button (AUTO) you enter the
automatic mode.
Pressing the
button (PROG) you enter the
programming mode
Automatic mode
The projectors connected to the led controller will execute the set program.
Fig. 3
To choose a program press button
, in Zone 2 under “PROG:” is shown which of the 4
available programs is used.
In Zone 1 is shown the step and the time of execution.
The button
shows the performing mode used, single scene or continuous mode. The mode
used is shown on the display above button
Icona che rappresenta la modalità ripetuta.
Icona che rappresenta la modalità singola.
Continuous mode means that once the program is correctly set it repeats it self continuously
from beginning till the end.
Single scene mode means that once the program is finished, the projector will remain on the
last step of the scene.
If you switch off led controller when is functioning on automatic mode, the next time
switched on it will start the program that it was executing before being switched off.
Pressing the
button (AUTO) you enter the
automatic mode.
Pressing the
button (PROG) you enter the
programming mode