Combined Wind Sensor ARCO-Modbus
(14581) ARCO-Modbus
Mounting the cup rotor on to the wind
speed sensor
The bores at the cup rotor are provided in such a way that the
cup rotor can only be installed in a certain, clear position. In
each case all screws must be used to attach the cup anemom-
eter and wind vane. Thus the correct direction of rotation is
guaranteed. The necessary wrench is included in the delivery.
Schraube mit Innensechskant
screw with hexagon socket
M3x12 DIN7380
Windfahne / wind vane
Windfahnenglocke / wind vane protective globe
Skt-Stiftschlüssel / hex head wrench
Installation procedure (brief explanation)
The installation of the sensor involves 3 steps:
(1) Mounting the cable on the sensor and if necessary drawing
the cable through the mast.
(2) Mounting the sensor on the mast, but before tightening the
screws you must align the sensor to the north.
(3) Attaching the cable to the power supply and the signal
acquisition system.
Mounting the sensor
The sensor can be installed on a standard pipe with an outer
diameter of 50 mm and an inner diameter of at least 40 mm.
Before attaching the unit with the two 8 mm socket screws,
the cable must be connected, by drawing it through the pipe
and the sensor aligned to the north or in the forward driving
direction. For this purpose the housing is marked accordingly
(see drawing). Adjust the sensor to the north before tightening
the screws.
Please make sure that the sensor is fi rmly attached to the
2.8.1 Alignment of wind vane
For wind direction measurements the north mark on the sen-
sor must be aligned with the geographical north direction. To
adjust the wind sensor in a fi rm and correct manner into the
north direction this item is equipped with an integrated mount-
ing aid. Inside the inner bottom of the sensor a small bolt
pointing to the north is integrated to be set into a correspond-
ing slot of the mounting pipe (if available). Thus the sensor is
safely attached. If needed you can screw or unscrew the pin
by means of an allen key.
You have to turn the marking on the wind vane so that it is
exactly over the marking on the sensor shaft. Fix the position
of the wind vane with, for example, a piece of adhesive tape.
After alignment the adhesive tape has to be removed.
When you have fi xed the wind vane you can locate the refer-
ence point by aiming at it over the axis. Now you must turn the
sensor casing on the mounting tube until the tip of the wind
vane points to the reference point in the north.
To set up the sensor’s north orientation select a landmark
which is as far as possible up north with regard to the fi nal
position of the wind direction sensor.
Halbrundschraube mit Innensechskant
round head screw with hexagon socket
M3x8 DIN7380
Schalenstern / cup rotor
Schalensternglocke / cup rotor protective globe
Skt-Stiftschlüssel / hex head wrench