3.1.2 Starting/Stopping the TPSD2
Once proper connections are established, energize the power supply by turning on the charger’s AC breaker (the
DC breaker should be off). After about 30 seconds, turn on the DC breaker. To shut down the TPSD2, switch off
the DC breaker first and then switch off the AC breaker.
3.1.3 Start-Up Sequence
Upon powering up the TPSD2, a test sequence is activated. This test flashes all of the charger’s LEDs and activates
all alarms. The digital meter display will show the model and software number.
Digital Control Board
The standard TPSD2 comes with an LCD digital control board. Option 551 replaces the LCD display with a VFD
display. The digital control board is a more attractive and user-friendly option, with many additional features.
Figure 17 – TPSD2 Front Panel (Option 551)
After the TPSD2 has completed the startup sequence, “AC ON” and “FL” green LED indicators on the front panel
will be lit, additional indicators will be lit according to the system’s status as pictured above in Figure 17. The
digital meter display will show both the system DC output voltage and DC output current. Pressing either the UP
or the DOWN arrow on the membrane will change the parameter that is displayed.