5HP Dust Collector Manual
Thank you for investing in a Laguna Tools XFLUX5 HEPA (High Efficiency
Particulate Air filter) dust collector. This dust collector is one of a family of unique
machines proudly offered by Laguna Tools. Every Laguna machine is engineered
for years of dependable service. Please feel free to contact Laguna Tools if you
have a question or suggestion. We appreciate working with you and your choice of
a Laguna Tools machine for your shop.
Torben Helshoj
President & Founder Laguna Tools
Dealer Machinery Warranty
New woodworking machines sold by Laguna Tools carry a two-year warranty effective from the
date of dealer invoice to consumer. Machines sold through dealers must be registered with
Laguna Tools within 30 days of purchase to be covered by this warranty. Laguna Tools
guarantees all new machine sold to be free of manufacturers’ d
efective workmanship, parts
and materials. We will repair or replace, without charge, any parts determined by Laguna
Tools, Inc. to be a manufacturer’s defect. We require that the defective item/part be returned to
Laguna Tools with the complaint. An RMA (return merchandise authorization) must be
requested, from Laguna Tools, and included with any and all parts or machines returned to
Laguna Tools for warranty consideration. Any machines returned to Laguna Tools must be
returned with packaging in the same manner in which it was received. If a part or blade is
being returned it must have adequate packaging to ensure no damage is received during
shipping. In the event the item/part is determined to be damaged due to lack of maintenance,
cleaning or misuse/abuse, the customer will be responsible for the cost to replace the
item/part, plus all related shipping charges. This limited warranty does not apply to natural
disasters, acts of terrorism, normal wear and tear, product failure due to lack of maintenance or
cleaning, damage caused by accident, neglect, lack of or inadequate dust collection,
misuse/abuse or damage caused where repair or alterations have been made or attempted by
This manual applies to the XFLUX5 dust collector. Enter the model number and
serial number below for quick reference when ordering accessories, supplies or
Model: ___________
Serial: ___________
Laguna Tools