The chiller has four components that need to be attached: 2 water Tubes, an alarm cable and
power cable.
On the back of the chiller you will find 4 ports, the farthest port to the right will be for the
power cable. You will connect the power cable here.
There is an “Alarm Output” port to the left of the power port. You will connect the black
alarm cord here. Once connected to the chiller you will run the cable to the back of the
laser cabinet and connect it to the “Alarm Input” port.
In your accessories box, you will find two clear water tubes. These will be connected to
the “Inlet” and “Outlet” ports on the back of the chiller. Once connected to the chiller
you will run the tubes to the back of the laser cabinet where you will find two matching
ports. When connecting ensure you run the “Outlet” tube from the chiller to the “Inlet”
port on the laser. You will then run the “Inlet” tube to the “Outlet” port on the laser.