Safety knowledge:
Make sure that the operator is trained before operating the machine. You can always
check us out @
It is recommended that you
operate your laser with the protective cover open or
Never expose yourself or anyone else to the invisible laser beam.
Do not touch the laser power supply or laser tube when it’s working
because of its lethal voltage, the danger still exists even with power off.
For safety purposes, equipment modification is strictly prohibited without the
manufacturer agreement.
PL 12/20:
The machine comes with the laser cabinet, a chiller, fan, air compressor and accessories box.
The accessories box will contain any extra parts needed for installation of your machine.
Please watch the unpacking and set up videos on line @
Equipment should be set in a dry environment without electromagnetism or
high-strength electricity. There should be no pollution disturbance and temperature of the
working environment should be 50° – 100° F, humidity is 10-90%, AC 110V±10%,
60HZ, resistance to ground should be smaller than 5Ώ.
Once the machine is unpackaged it is important to go through the cabinet of the laser and
remove any of the protective plastics and zip ties