The factory setting is 300ml/rocker stroke.
Please note:
This value is reset automatically after an
Touch screen field 8 (RAIN) must be pressed in order to set the required value.
The associated display will now flash:
The required value between 10 and 999 ml/rocker can now be set using the touch screen
fields “+” and “–”. It is possible to run through the display more quickly by pressing for longer.
When the required value has been set, you can exit set-up by pressing the “END” key. The
value is now stored.
Setting the rainfall display units
The display units for rainfall are shown in touch screen field 9 on the right hand side next to the
calibration value for the rainfall. The factory setting is in inch.
By touching field 9 the display units can be switched between inches, l/m
or mm.
Air pressure display correction
If the current relative air pressure at the place of installation is known (meteorological office,
Internet, TV weather station, etc.), this can be set up accurately. It deviates from the general air
pressure referred to sea level given in weather reports covering large areas depending upon the
height above mean sea level. You will find a detailed explanation of this in the section
“Explanation of terms”
Touch screen field 10 (AIR PRESSURE) must be pressed in order to set the current value.
The associated display will now flash:
The value currently known can now be set using the touch screen fields “+” and “–”. It is
possible to run through the display more quickly by pressing for longer.
When the required value has been set, you can exit set-up by pressing the “END” key. The
value is now stored.
Setting the air pressure display units
The display units for air pressure are shown in touch screen field 11 on the right hand side next to
the air pressure value. The factory setting is inHg.
By touching field 11 the display units can be switched between inHg, hPa or mmHg.
Keypad beep on/off
The keypad beep can be switched on (Sound on) or off (Sound off) by touching field 12.
Setting the display type for the history (trend display)
By touching field 16 the history display can be switched between a bar and a line display.
Bar display
Line display
Setting the sunshine threshold value
The set up field enables the brightness threshold to be set, above which the light striking the
brightness sensor is to be interpreted as sunshine. This threshold can be set between 1 and 99
klux and is set in the factory to 20 klux.
A value above the set value is counted as sunshine and is indicated by the little sun symbol in the
“SUNSHINE DURATION” display field.
This value corresponds to the threshold value generally used in meteorology for registering the
hours of sunshine.
Touch screen field 19 (SUNSHINE DURATION) must be pressed in order to set the required
threshold value.
The associated display will now flash:
The required value can now be set using the touch screen fields “+” and “–”. It is possible to
run through the display more quickly by pressing for longer.
When the value has been set, you can exit set-up by pressing the “END” key. The value is
now stored.
On its part, the brightness sensor also determines a sunshine duration referred to a fixed
threshold of 20 klux. If a threshold of 20 klux is set at the base station, it takes the value
transmitted by the sensor for its further calculations. The advantage of this is that breaks in
reception have no effect on the measured value.
Setting the time function
The time of day, AM/PM indication (for 12h display) is displayed in touch screen field 20.
Touch screen field 20 must be pressed in order to make the required settings.
The time of day display will now flash:
German (24 h):
or English (12 h)
and the lower touch screen field will change to the following form:
and the lower touch screen field will change to the following form:
and the lower touch screen field will change to the following
and the lower touch screen field will change to the following form: