1. Introduction
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LaCie d2 SATA II 3Gbits
User’s Manual
1.2 Hard Drive Heat Management
Heat Dissipation Design
The LaCie d2 drive’s metal body is ideal for naturally dissipating internal drive heat. Its unique design actually draws heat
away from the internal drive toward the external casing. The casing absorbs heat and will take advantage of its large surface
to further dissipate heat outside the casing. Because of this advantageous feature, heat is taken away from the internal drive,
keeping it safe and prolonging its life and reliability. As a consequence, it is normal that the external casing is hot to the
touch. Please make sure that the vents of the back-bezel and front-bezel are not obstructed so that there is a natural airflow
across the casing.
To Fan or Not to Fan
The casing alone is a great way to dissipate heat without the need of a fan. Therefore, at the date of this publication, most
drives (1 to 3 internal platters*) do not require a fan. Only the largest capacity drives (3 to 5 internal platters*) may need a
fan. To find out if your drive includes a fan, please refer to the item number and product datasheet.
Drives Equipped with a Fan
If your LaCie d2 is equipped with a “smart fan,” it will only start when the heat inside the casing reaches a certain tempera-
ture. Then the smart fan starts to turn at a low and very quiet speed. In exceptionally hot conditions (summer heat, stacked
configuration, etc.) the fan will detect heat and turn to a second, faster speed. Once the heat inside the casing decreases, the
smart fan automatically slows down or stops, allowing for the quietest working environment.
*Indicative information - may vary depending on the internal drive models, manufacturers and technology evolutions.