6. Maintaining Your LaCie Biggest F800
page 44
LaCie Biggest F800
User’s Manual
5) The
Connect To
dialog will appear. From the
Connect using:
drop-down menu, select COM1 or COM2, depending on
which Serial/RS-232 port you are using to connect the LaCie Biggest F800.
6) The
COM Properties
dialog box will appear. Set the values to the following:
Bits per second: 19,200
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow Control: Xon/Xoff
Once the values are entered, click
. The HyperTerminal connection is now established.
7) Power on the LaCie Biggest F800 and press the ESC key on the host computer’s keyboard. The >>>>> prompt will appear.
8) Type in the command:
9) When the
Enter ‘1’ to Download Firmware
is prompted, type in:
10) Now, locate the updated firmware file to send. If you are using HyperTerminal, go to the
menu and select
Text File...
11) Send the firmware file as a text file. The file will start to download.
12) When the file has been downloaded, restart the LaCie Biggest F800 to finish the firmware update process. Once the
LaCie Biggest F800 has finished restarting, you can view the new firmware version through the LCD Display.