File Save
PixelPro takes data from the real-time video data stream and records it in image format
for later development and analysis.
Click the
button to capture a live preview image.
Save Dialog
The file save window appears when the Capture button is clicked.
Five file formats for saving pictures are supported: JPG, TIF, PNG, DICOM, and MPTIF.
MPTIFF is only supported on Dhyana 400DC. DICOM and MPTIF are not supported in the
Mac version.
File name:
The file to be saved is named "TS” by default, but the user can give the file
any desired name. The file name cannot contain the following special characters:
\/:*?"<>|. If the user attempts to enter any of these special characters, an error message
will appear, as shown below.
The program supports custom time stamps for automatic naming. Time stamps can be
formatted in the following five ways.
The image may be saved as JPG, TIF, PNG, or DICOM files. The default format is
TIF. These four image formats can be checked individually or simultaneously. The
captured images saved in different formats will be displayed together when multiple