Instruction manual for CoolSafe
Item No. 700636
CopyRight © 2016
Error situations, status and error codes
Power failure
If the freeze dryer is running in manual or auto mode during a short period of power failure
– less
than 10 minutes, the freeze dryer will start up in the same mode and continue the ongoing process,
using the same parameters, in manual mode, and continue running the active programme if in auto
If the freeze dryer is running in manual or auto mode during a short period of power failure
– longer
than 10 minutes, the freeze dryer will start up in the same mode and continue the ongoing process,
using the same parameters, in manual mode, and continue running the active programme if in auto
mode. If the pressure has increased, the freeze dryer will enter Cool only mode until the pressure is
below the alarm point, and then continue with the active programme.
Compressor start-up, 2 stage cooling systems
On CoolSafe models using two cooling stages (-95 °C, -100 °C and
– 110 °C) each operated by a
separate compressor.
The system is set up to start the two stages with a time delay of 6 minutes. At start up stage 1 is
running for 6 minutes before stage 2 is started up. This is to ensure that pressure in the stage 2
system is keep within the allowable pressure limits.
In case the ice condenser temperature is below -70 °C (for instance after a short power failure) the
time delay is set to 10 seconds.
Status codes
A number of different codes gives information on the current status of the freeze dryer:
-55 °C
-95 °C
-100 °C
-110 °C
The ice condenser temperature is near or at reachable temperature.
The ice condenser is ready for the freeze drying process. The freeze
dryer will be in Await-state until these temperatures are reached for
the first time after power up.
Ice condenser ready.
-40 °C
-85 °C
-90 °C
Will be shown while the ice condenser is cooling down. Change to
OK-state when the ice condenser reaches this temperature for the
first time.
Ice condenser not ready.
-30 °C
-75 °C
-70 °C
If the temperature in the ice condenser increase to over this
temperature, during the freeze drying process, the Await-state is
invoked until the ice condenser reaches this temperature again,
where OK-state is returned.
Ice condenser overloaded.
-30 °C
-75 °C
-70 °C
If the temperature in the ice condenser increase to over this
temperature, during the freeze drying process, the Alarm-state is
invoked until the ice condenser reaches this temperature again,
where Await-state is returned.
-20 °C
-65 °C
-50 °C