Chapter 4: Using Your RapidVap Vertex Evaporator
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Operational Notes
The LCD display conveys various pieces of information. When the
RapidVap Vertex Evaporator is turned ON, the RapidVap Vertex Evaporator
will return to the same mode (RUN or STOP) that it was in when the power
was turned off. If the RapidVap Vertex Evaporator was in the RUN mode
when the power was turned OFF, when the power is turned ON, the
RapidVap Vertex Evaporator will attempt to return to the programmed set
If the previous run is to be duplicated, it is important to press the “Stop”
button prior to pressing “Run.” This will reset the timer back to the
programmed set point. Without pressing the program set point button, the
time will not be reset and will continue to count down from the time at which
it was stopped.
Interrupting a Cycle After it Has Begun
At any time during a run, the cycle may be stopped by pressing the “Pause”
button. This shuts off the nitrogen flow and pauses the timer, but the heater
remains active. If it is necessary to re-start the RapidVap Vertex Evaporator,
close the lid and press “RESTART.” The RapidVap Vertex Evaporator will
resume operation at the same set point parameters and the timer will continue
to count down from the time at which the RapidVap Vertex Evaporator was