S1 Owner’s Manual
Page 10
Alarm Handling
The S1 uses computerized sensors to robustly handle S1 device malfunctions. There
are two types of alarms the S1 can generate:
Blocking Alarms
– these are the most serious. The S1 will not function when one of
these alarms occurs
Non-Blocking Alarms
– These are informational only and, while they do represent an
error condition, the machine will continue to function.
Damaged Flow Meter
When the flow meter isn't working properly or when the coffee grind is too fine, this is
indicated by the turning on of the lights 14-15-16; if you are making one coffee dose,
and the lights 17-18-19 if you are making two coffee doses. This is a non-blocking
alarm. This alarm is actually useful when back flushing as an indication of when to turn
off the pump and allow the 3-way valve to operate.
4.2 Damaged Group Temperature Probe
This alarm is a blocking one, and occurs when the temperature probe of the group is in
short circuit (temperature >145°C) or is interrupted (temperature <60°C). The lights
20-21 turn on.
4.3 Damaged Boiler Temperature Probe
(only with the boiler turned on)
This is not a blocking alarm and occurs when the temperature probe of the boiler is in
short circuit (temperature >145°C) or is interrupted (temperature <60°C). The lights
19-20-21 turn on.
4.4 Damaged Group Heating Element Triac
This alarm is a blocking one, and occurs when the group triac always remains in
conduction (temperature >140°C). The lights 20-21 are flashing.
4.5 Damaged Boiler Heating Element Triac
(only with the boiler
turned on)
This alarm is a blocking one, and occurs when the boiler triac always remains in
conduction (temperature >140°C). The lights 19-20-21 are flashing.