La Rocca Exprés, S.A.
Modelo JAVA Pro – Manual del Usuario
Once the pipe is connected you must verify that it does not have any fold or
strangling that impedes the free water exit.
Filling the reservoir (only models with reservoir)
To fill the reservoir with water, you must remove the upper tray, remove then the
silicon pipes inside the reservoir, and pull it up and fill under a faucet. You can also
fill it through the hole visible on the upper tray, by pouring water carefully.
The 5 l. reservoir is equipped with a security device that disconnects all the
functions when it has a low level, so it is not recommended to pour more than 4
litres any time the machine warns for low water level.
Connection to the Mains
Before connecting the espresso machine to the mains, it is necessary to
verify that tension and frequency of the mains are equal to the machine
It will have to adjust obligatorily to the valid norm, as far as installation of
thermal and protection switches, the correct ground take, etc.
Before starting with the operation of the machine, verify that the general
switch is in 0 position and the group’s switches are deactivated.
Once all connections are concluded, fit the height of the machine foot to keep
it stable and levelled.
All the JAVA Pro models are equipped with automatic water load into boiler,
independently about if the dose are programmable or not. The steps are the
following ones:
-Turn on the main switch (7) to “water load”. The blue pilot will light and some
seconds later water load will begin automatically. Make sure that the element
switch (6) is off.
When the load time is longer than two minutes (due to small pressure in the
water network or for any reservoir machine), then water load will stop and leds will
start blinking. Then take the main switch (8) to off for two seconds, and then turn on
If the level reached during first stage of the water load were not sufficient, the
machine will continue loading water until the necessary level is reached.
You will notice that water load is finished when the pump stop charging water
into the boiler. Then you can turn on the element switch (6) to on.
The red led (5) will light indicating the resistance is beguinning to warm up
the water of the boiler.
In order to carry out this heating in less time, press the dose buttons of every
group about 10 seconds each to expel all the air from the hydraulic circuit, and so
that the faucets of steam and water are closed.
Once reached the 1 bar pressure, extract hot water and steam by both
At this moment, the coffee making can already be initiated, as well as the
services of water and steam.
The daily operation of the machine is carried out by taking to on the main
switch(9). The pilots will light blue and red, and the water inside the boiler will begin
to warm up itself during minutes until arriving at the work pressure, 1 bar approx.
The machine will be able to serve coffee, hot water and steam as soon as the
red pilot turns off for the first time.
If your machine is equipped with reservoir, when the water level into the
reservoir is low, all the functions will be disconnected and the red led on the
element switch (6) will light. Fill the reservoir with a maximum of 3 litres.
In order to be able to dose according to your necessities the amount of coffee
obtained follow the next steps:
Place a glass or cup underneath the group to be programmed,
trying that the totality of the water falls in this container. It is recommended to use
the filterholder adapted to the chosen dose. Use it with coffee for an exact
Press the programming button and keep it pressed during 5
seconds, until the corresponding LED starts to blink.
Push the button of the dose to be programmed and the coffee
pouring will start. Once reached the desired dose, press the button again, the
pouring will stop and the LED of the dose will turn off. Wait for 10 seconds so the
microprocessor memorize the dose.
Repeat steps 2 - 3 with the remaining button.
If the same programming is desired for all the groups, this will have
to be done in the left group, having to wait after the programming 10 seconds and
the memory keeps the change done to the other group.
To have a different programming in each group, it will be necessary
to begin the programming cycle by the left group and once finished, continue with
the other group.
Care and cleaning of the machine is a decisive element in its future duration
and reliability.
The cleaning of the steamer must be done after each use, simply passing a
rag dampened by the steamer outlet covered by the warmed up liquid.
The cleaning of the groups also must be done daily, when the working day of
the machine is finished. To do it, place the blind small filter that is provided with the
machine into the filterholder, and place it in all and each one of the groups, making