ROMANTICA 3,.5 – 4,5
Instructions for installation, use and maintenance – EN – Rev.03
each metre of horizontal route of the smoke channel causes a small leak of charge which should be
compensated for by raising the flue;
the horizontal section must never be higher than 2 m (UNI 10683-2005);
each bend of the smoke channel considerably reduces the draught of the flue which must be
compensated for by raising it suitably;
the UNI 10683-2005 Regulation –Italy requires that the bends or variations of direction must in no
case be greater than 2 including the emission into the flue.
Wanting to use the flue of a chimney or open furnace, it will be necessary to close the hood hermetically
below the inlet point of the smoke channel pos. A Picture 10.
If the flue is too large (e.g. cm 30x40 or 40x50) it is necessary to duct it with a stainless steel tube of at
least 200 mm of diameter, pos. B taking care to close the space between the tube itself and the flue
immediately below the chimney cap pos. C.
For further information please contact your Dealer.
Picture 10
C - Plugging
A – Hermetic closure