Data storing options:
Port ID (COM1 to 4) – decide which COM port to be used
Choosing recoding history file – Once you import a set of data from the indoor weather station the first time, a history file* will be generated
by the program and the data will be stored in it. When importing additional data to your PC, the new data will still be stored and accumulated
in the same history file as before.
You will need to create a new file in the “Recording History file” (see below figure), if you would like to place the additional data in a
separate file. If done in this manor the newly imported data will be stored in this new file.
*This history file carries data only for the Data Recorder program and can only be viewed with this program. If you need to use the data in another
program, for instant Microsoft Excel, you will need to “export” the data in a Text file first (See Exporting the data to PC below).
Menu bar and function button
Opening files
By clicking the “Open file” button you may choose to view the previously saved history files.
If user wants to place additional data into a new separated file, he shall advance to the Options mode and create a new file name first (See “
Setting the
parameter of the Data Recorder software
“ above).
Import button
Menu bar
Print button
Open file button
Click this button to choose the old
data files or create a new file. Then
data can be imported into the old
data files or a new file.