Marine Systems
Aviation Recorders
Rev. 02 Page 3--13
July 29/03
Automatic Identification System
Terminal Block
Each Transponder will come shipped with a 31 pin terminal block. A terminal block is
the preferred installation method for completing the data interface (NMEA) because
data output from a ship sensor ( dGPS, ROT, Gyro) may not subscribe to a standard
pinout definition. As such, each installation may require that the installer identify
and cross reference the sensor pinouts with the IEC pinouts, which is a well defined
standard pinout description. The terminal block allows for greater flexibility in com-
pleting the connection to the ship’s sensors.
A junction box may be made available which terminates the data cable on the termi-
nal block and provides serial connectors to allow for easy connection to ship sen-
sors. However, the installer will need to confirm the pinout definitions for the sensor
outputs before completing the connection correctly.
To complete the data connection to the ship’s sensors, perform the following:
Connect the data cable to the back of the transponder unit.
Feed the data cable into the console to the position in which the terminal block
will be placed.
Locate an ideal position for the terminal block.
Protected from weather.
Protected from high heat.
Protected from accidental contact with conductive material.
Within 100 inches (2.5 m) of the transponder due to IEC data cable length.
Grounding of terminal block to ship’s structure.
Need to feed cables from navigational sensors.
Mount the terminal block to the ships structure with self tapping screws
Ground terminal block to ship’s structure using grounding cable provided.
Connect each wire to the correct terminal block position. Use the table below
which gives the IEC pin ID (and color code) and identifies the correct terminal
block position ID.
The metallic shielding of each of the three shielded cables
containing the twisted pairs must be connected to the ter-
minal block using the shield drain wire connected to the
shield. The shields from Cables 1 and 2 do not have to be
connected. The shield from Cable 3 must be connected to
TB pin ID 30, which is grounded to the ship’s hull.