Marine Systems
Aviation Recorders
Rev. 02 Page 1--12
July 29/03
Automatic Identification System
Dimensions of ship -- to nearest meter.
Location on ship where reference point for position reports is located.
Type of position fixing device -- various options from differential GPS to
Draught of ship -- 1/10 meter to 25.5 meters [note “air--draught” is not pro-
Destination -- 20 characters are provided.
AIS Frequencies
The International Telecommunications Union World Radio Conference in 1997 desig-
nated two VHF radio frequencies: 161.975 MHz (AIS1, or channel 87B) and 162.025
MHz (AIS2, or channel 88B) for AIS. In the US, the first channel is owned by Mari-
TEL, a public coast station operator, and the second by the federal government. The
USCG signed a Memorandum of Agreement with MariTEL for use of AIS 1, and has
authority from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration to
use both AIS1 and AIS 2 US--wide for AIS operation. The USCG has asked the Fed-
eral Communications Commission to authorize any US vessel to operate AIS on
these two channels under its existing ship station license. The FCC released a No-
tice authorizing operation of AIS under a ship’s existing station license.