2. Windows KX Driver
2-6 Output Tab
Output to:
Specifies the location of ejection of printed copies.
Selection is possible when the optional output devices are installed.
[Printer Default]
................................... Copies will be ejected into the location that is selected in the “Stack select” setting of the printer as
the place where the printed paper will be ejected.
[Inner Tray]
........................................... Copies will be ejected onto the Inner tray.
[Separator Tray]
................................... Copies will be ejected into the optional Job Separator.
[Finishing Tray]
.................................... Copies will be ejected into the optional Internal Finisher.
[Main Tray]
........................................... Copies will be ejected into the lower tray of the optional Finisher.
[Sub Tray]
............................................. Copies will be ejected into the upper tray of the optional Finisher.
[Finisher Tray (Face-Down)]
............... Copies will be ejected face down into the optional Booklet Stitcher.
[Finisher Tray (Face-Up)]
.................... Copies will be ejected face up into the optional Booklet Stitcher.
[Mailbox (Face-Down)]
........................ Copies will be ejected face down into the optional Mailbox.
[Mailbox (Face-Up)]
............................. Copies will be ejected face up into the optional Mailbox.
* If you designate a setting other than [Inner Tray] as the location of ejection, it is necessary to first perform the setting for that optional
equipment under “Device Options” on page 2-15.
Specifies the number of prints to be made. Select between 1 and 999 copies by clicking on the arrows at the right of the field or by typing
the desired number directly into the field. The factory default setting is “1”.
When you are printing more than one copy of one or more pages, it is possible to sort the printed copy sets.
* When you want to make multiple copy sets, put a check mark in checkbox next to [RAM Disk] under the “Device Settings” Tab and set
the memory size for the RAM disk. (Be sure to enter the same setting as that made in the printer.)
If, however, the optional hard disk is installed, put a check mark in checkbox next to [Hard Disk].
* If you select to turn on the “Staple” setting (see page 2-9), it is necessary to select “Collate” here.
If the “Collate” option is selected, it is possible to print out 2 sets of the same copies.