As the brake pads wear, brake fluid level drops,
automatically compensating for wear. There are
no adjustments to perform, but fluid level and pad
wear must be inspected periodically. The system
must be inspected frequently to ensure there are
no fluid leaks.
If the brake lever travel become excessive and the
brake pads are not worn beyond the recommended
limit, There is probably air in the brake system and
it must be bled. See your authorized KYMCO dealer
for this service.
To prevent damage to the brake system, use only
fluid from a sealed container. Never allow
contaminants (dirt, water, etc.) to enter the brake
fluid reservoir.
Brake fluid can damage paint and plastic, so
handle the fluid with care. When adding brake
fluid, be sure the reservoir is horizontal before
removing the cover to prevent accidental spilling.
Use only DOT 4 brake fluid from a sealed container.
Check if the fluid level is below the lower level mark
through the inspection window.