46 | kvm-tec
kvm-tec | 47
9.2 rEQUIrEMEnTs fIbEr cablE
9.2.1 MUlTI-MoDE (sTanDarD)
A multi-mode fiber cable should meet the following requirements
The maximum length should be 300 m (984ft). The UVX-F is equipped with a multimode -
SFP+ module, which allows a transmission distance of up to 300 m /984ft
Dedicated fiber optic connection cable type Duplex Multimode with LC plug
9. cablE rEQUIrEMEnTs
10. TroUblEsHooTInG
10.1 rEQUIrEMEnTs nETWorK sWITcH
The entire switching network system requires its own dedicated network. For security reasons it
cannot be integrated into an existing company network.
The network switch must meet the following specifications:
10 Gigabit Switch, with a port-to-port transfer rate of 10 Gigabit/second
10. sWITcH sPEcIfIcaTIon