Charge Controls & Electronic Remote Sensing
The Auto Charge 1200 Pump Plus contains a precision voltage controller to
maintain the battery’s charge. Automatic electronic remote sensing measures the
true battery voltage, eliminating the need for the additional sense wires. The output
current of any charger is inherently a series of pulses whose frequency is deter-
mined by the power line frequency. Therefore there are brief intervals during which
no charging current flows. During this brief interval the Auto Charge 1200 Pump
Plus measures and stores the battery voltage. This battery voltage is compared to
a standard and any error is detected and used to control the charger output to the
desired level. There is no “trickle charge” and therefore no danger of overcharging
and water boil-off.
The AUTO CHARGE 1200 PUMP PLUS is a compact, completely automatic,
single channel battery charger designed for vehicles with a single battery system.
The charger is ruggedized to withstand the shock and vibration encountered by
vehicle mounted equipment.
The AUTO CHARGE 1200 PUMP PLUS operates an 091-9 air compressor. With the
selector switch in the AC position the compressor runs only when the AC power is
applied. With the selector in the DC position the compressor will operate when the
AC power is ON or OFF. In either position the compressor operates from the
vehicle’s batteries, the charger automatically recharging the batteries as required.
The battery charger features:
• Electronic remote sensing of true battery voltage, eliminates the need
for sensing wires
• Automatic current limiting
• Remote Battery charge/condition indicator
• Power “ON” LED indicator