PC88 Made Easy
Press the MIDI Transmit Button. The display shows that you are on the MIDI Channel
Press the >> button. You are now on the Destination parameter, which by default is
set to Local+MIDI.
Press the Ò-Ó button under the alpha wheel. The value changes to MIDI. Rotate the
wheel clockwise. It changes back to Local+MIDI.
Notice that there is an underscore below the letter L in the display. This shows that the
parameter is highlighted. Usually there is only one parameter in the display at a time,
but sometimes there are two.
Press the KeyRange button. There are two parameters in the display - Low Note and
High Note. Notice the underscore under the C. Press the >> button and you will see the
underscore move under the G.
Zone Select -
The four zone select buttons have two functions. When playing a Setup, they allow you
to mute and unmute zones. When you are editing a Setup, they allow you to switch
between zones for editing. Since the display has only two lines, there is only enough
room to show the value of 1 zone at a time.
Press the MIDI Setups button, then press 1 on the numeric keypad, then press Enter.
You have called up Setup 001 A Piano Trio. On the bottom line of the display, after
A01, it should say 1:Stage Piano 440. If it doesnÕt, press the Zone 1 button once and you
will see this info. This shows you the Program that is on zone 1.
Notice that the Zone 1 and Zone 2 buttons are green. This tells you the Setup has 2
zones. If you play the keyboard, you will hear Piano on the right side and Bass+Ride
Cymbal on the left.
Press the Zone 1 button. It now turns orange. This means that zone is muted. If you
play the keyboard, the right side makes no sound. Press Zone 1 and the button turns
green again and you will hear the piano.
Press the Zone 2 button. The bottom line of the display now says A01 2:Leg Bass
&Ride, showing you the Program in zone 2.
An important point that can lead to confusion: If a specific zone is NOT currently in the
display, pressing that Zone Select button will bring up that zone in the display. But if
the Zone is already in the display, then pressing the same numbered Zone Select button
will mute it.
Press the MIDI Transmit button. The top line now shows Zone 2 0:061. When you
are editing any parameter the top line always shows you the current zone, as well as the
bank and program number of the program assigned to that zone (in this case, it is the
Internal Voices bank 0, Program 61 - Legato Bass & Ride. The bottom line says MIDI
Channel:02. showing you zone 2 is assigned to channel 2.