Configurable Combination Algorithms [Ò<>Ó]
Algorithm Reference-74
ConÞgurable Combination Algorithms [Ò<>Ó]
FXAlg #702 Ñ Chorus<>4Tap
FXAlg #704 Ñ Chorus<>Reverb
FXAlg #705 Ñ Chorus<>LasrDly
FXAlg #708 Ñ Flange<>4Tap
FXAlg #710 Ñ Flange<>Reverb
FXAlg #711 Ñ Flange<>LasrDly
FXAlg #712 Ñ Flange<>Pitcher
FXAlg #713 Ñ Flange<>Shaper
FXAlg #717 Ñ LasrDly<>Reverb
FXAlg #718 Ñ Shaper<>Reverb
A family of re-configurable combination effect algorithms
Allocation Units:
Signal Routing
Each of these combination algorithms offer two separate effects combined with a flexible signal-routing mechanism.
This mechanism allows the two effects to either be in series bi-directionally or in parallel. This is done by first
designating one effect ÒAÓ, and the other ÒBÓ where the output of effect A is always wired to effect B. A and B are
assigned with the A->B cfg parameter. For example, when A->B cfg is set to ÒCh->DlyÓ, then effect A is the chorus,
and effect B is the delay, and the output of the chorus is wired to the input of the delay. The amount of effect A fed
into effect B is controlled by the A/Dry->B parameter. This controls the balance between effect A output, and the
algorithm dry input signal fed into effect B behaving much like a wet/dry mix. When set to 0%, only the dry signal
is fed into B allowing parallel effect routing. At 100%, only the A output is fed into B, and at 50%, there is an equal
mix of both. For an example of signal flow in the Chor<>4Tap algorithm, see the figure on the next page.
Both effect A and B outputs are mixed at the algorithm output to become the wet signal. These mix levels are
controlled with the two parameters that begin with ÒMixÓ. These allow only one or both effect outputs to be heard.
Negative mix amounts polarity-invert the signal which can change the character of each effect when mixed together
or with the dry signal. The Wet/Dry parameter adjusts the balance between the sum of both effects determined by
the Mix parameters, and the input dry signal. Negative Wet/Dry values polarity-invert the summed wet signal
relative to dry.