Food Item
Thawing Time
Waiting time
200 gm
6-7 min
5-10 min
Turn once
100 gm
3-4 min
5-10 min
Turn once
500 gm
12-15 min
10-15 min
Turn twice
200 gm
4-5 min
5-8 min
Turn once
300 gm
8-9 min
10-15 min
Turn twice
500 gm
12-14 min
15-20 min
Turn three times
100 gm
2-3 min
2-3 min
Turn once
200 gm
4-5 min
5-6 min
Turn once
500 gm
10-12 min
8-10 min
Turn twice
800 gm
15-18 min
15-20 min
Turn twice
250 gm
8-10 min
10-15 min
Turn once, keep covered
Cottage cheese
250 gm
6-8 min
5-10 min
Turn once, keep covered
250 gm
7-8 min
10-15 min
Remove the top
General Thawing Instructions
1. Use suitable containers when thawing (porcelain, glass or other material that is suitable for using with
microwave ovens).
2. The Thawing by Weight and Thawing by time tables refer to raw food items and the weights given do not
include the containers.
3. The thawing time will vary depending on the amount and height of the food items. Small amounts will
thaw more easily than large ones.
4. In the case of more delicate food items or those with an irregular shape, it is recommended that the
smaller parts, such as the legs and wings of poultry of fish fins be covered. Aluminium foil should be used
for this and removed after half the thawing time has elapsed. The aluminium foil should be at least two
centimetres from the microwave oven wall, otherwise it will cause sparking.
5. Thick food items should be turned several times.
6. The frozen food items should be evenly distributed inside the microwave oven. Flat food items will thaw
more easily.
7. Food items containing a lot of fat, such as butter or cottage cheese (a dairy product, which is quite thick),
together with cream, should not be completely thawed. Only a few minutes of waiting time are required
so that these are ready to be served and consumed. Cream that was frozen should be whipped if there
are still a few frozen pieces remaining.
8. Poultry should be placed on a small plate upside down so that they are able to drain better.
9. Bread should be wrapped in a serviette to prevent it from drying out.