Attention! During the preserving process a lot of moisture develops
in the oven interior owing to the evaporation of water. This moisture
emerges through the ventilator openings and as a result the control
panel may become hot.
Attention! Do not pour water into the drip pan! A lot of steam would
emerge from the vapour opening and you could burn yourself on it!
Attention! Do not use jars with twist-off
lids if the latter have been
already in use. The jars could otherwise smash under certain circum-
Conventional preservative jars with a rubber ring and glass lid or standard
jars with a twist-off
lid (only with new lid) are suitable.
Select heating program
pizza stage.
Only use fresh food and prepare according to the usual recipes.
Prepare no more than 8 preserving jars with a capacity of 1 litres at one
Only use jars of the same height and fill 3/4 full with the same contents.
The jars should not touch each other.
Place the drip pan on the 1st rack level from the bottom.
Set 2 cup with water in the drip pan.
Select heating program
pizza stage at 160 °C and obser-
ve preserving process.
After 10 to 20 minutes (jars with a capacity of 1 l) the liquid in the jars
will start to bubble, usually in the jar on the front right first.
Then switch off the oven and keep the jars in the closed oven for
another 30 min. (approx. 15 min if preserving very sensitive fruit such
as strawberries.).
Vegetables and meat
When the liquid starts to bubble, turn the oven down to 100 °C and
continue to heat for a further 60 to 90 minutes.
Then switch off the oven and keep the jars in the closed oven for
another 30 min.
Cleaning and caring for your app-
Allow the appliance and front to cool down completely before cleaning!
In general, it is sufficient to clean with a damp cloth and some handde-
tergent after each use. Then rub dry.
Do not use any abrasive or aggressive cleaning or scouring agents.
Remove lime, fat, starch and protein stains as soon as possible.
Otherwise, rust may form on stainless steel appliances under these
layers owing to the lack of air.
Use customary stainless steel care agents to clean appliances made of
stainless steel. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and try
agent out first on a small area before you use it to clean the whole
When using oven spray, it is imperative to follow the manu-
facturer’s instructions for use.
When cleaning with oven spray, remove the ökotherm
After cleaning, remove the cleaning agent residue completely.
The sealing surfaces of the oven door must be kept absolutely clean.
After use, wash all slide-in parts (baking tray, gridiron, drip tray) in warm
detergent, rinse and dry well.
Soak the parts for a short while to facilitate cleaning.
Regenerating ökotherm
Heat the empty oven with
hot air with rapid heating feature at maxi-
mum temperature for 60 minutes.
Oven interior
After each use wipe the oven interior with warm detergent and a damp
cloth and then rub dry with a cloth.
Remove stubborn stains with special oven cleaner.
It is forbidden to clean the oven interior with a steam jet or high-
pressure cleaner.
Dismantling the oven
From time to time it is necessary to clean the oven and all the individual
parts. To be better able to clean the oven interior and the individual parts,
it is recommended to dismantle some parts.
Removing the oven door
Open the oven door wide. Flap up the brackets on the door hinges.
EEB 970.0