Manual - analog (U/I)
Sendix M3661 / M3681
Sendix M3661R
Sendix M5861
ENG - 10 (R60722.0002 - Index 3)
4.2 Reference point display
With the factory-set „default“ scaling, the LED displays the reference point of 0..1°. The reference point display is no longer
available if another measuring range is scaled using the scaling inputs.
The scaling function is limited to 10,000 cycles. Beyond this limit, the error-free scaling of the output signal cannot
be guaranteed any more.
Actuate the scaling inputs only once the shaft has stopped.. Only this way will it be possible to take over the desired
start and end position of the desired signal scaling.
4.3 Resetting the scaled output signal
1. Connect scaling inputs 1+2 with + V for at least 1 second.
2. The LED sequence green / red / green is displayed. The factory-set scaling of the output signal is available again and is set to
the central value of the measuring range at the current position.
4.4 Scaling with direction of rotation change
Fixed output levels are assigned to the scaling inputs.
Scaling input 1 = lowest output level (current variant = 4 mA / voltage variant = 0 V)
Scaling input 2 = highest output level (current variant = 20 mA / voltage variant = 5 or 10 V)
If scaling input 2 is actuated first, followed by input 1, the new measuring range is defined with the reversed direction of rotation.
Inputs sequence
Absolute position
Sign of the curve
1 – 2
1 > 2 (CCW)
1 – 2
2 > 1 (CW)
2 – 1
1 > 2 (CW)
2 – 1
2 > 1 (CCW)