Do not disconnect signal cables
when the amplifier is on and con-
nected to the loudspeaker. Doing
so will cause a loud pop that may
damage your components.
Tighten loudspeaker binding posts
by hand only.
When powering up any system,
always turn amplifiers on last.
When powering down, always
turn amplifiers off first.
When single-ended inputs are
used, shorting jumpers must be
inserted into pins 1 and 3 on the
XLR connectors. The jumper is
not necessary for the right XLR
when in mono/LFE mode.
Jumpers are provided in the
accessory box.
Krell Industries, Inc., 45 Connair Road,Orange, CT 06477-3650 USA
TEL 203-799-9954, FAX 203-891-2028, E-MAIL [email protected]
WEB SITE http://www.krellonline.com
4 Krell Resolution Subwoofer
Your Resolution subwoofer product serial number is:
P/N 307978-W
v 04.0
Krell recommends using balanced interconnect cables which minimize sonic loss
and are immune to induced noise, especially with installations using long cables.
Balanced connections have 6 dB more gain than single-ended connections.
Before connecting the subwoofer to your system, make sure that all power sources
and components are off. Neatly organize wiring between the subwoofer and all sys-
tem components. Separate AC wires from audio cable to prevent hum or other
unwanted noise from being introduced into the system.
There are 2 connection modes for the subwoofer, 1) Mono/LFE (LFE is active) and
2) Stereo (LFE is not active). In addition, there are 2 connection options under the
Stereo mode: A) Stereo with 1 subwoofer and B) Stereo with 2 subwoofers.
Choose the LFE mode to use the Resolution Subwoofer in your home theater sys-
tem, driven by the LFE/sub processor output. Choose the stereo mode if you want
the subwoofer(s) to interface with the main left and right loudspeakers full time, driv-
en by the left and right channel outputs of your preamplifier or processor.
Connect the subwoofer to AC power, and turn signal sensing off. Follow these steps:
To connect the subwoofer in the LFE mode (LFE is active)
Put the input switch in the down position. Mono/LFE is selected. The mono/LFE
input is active, and the right stereo input and output are disabled.
Put the filter switch in the down position. LFE is selected. The left mono output
is now disabled. Low pass and high pass filters are deactivated. Do not select
filter frequencies.
Connect the LFE output from the processor to the left mono/LFE input. Use
either a single-ended or balanced connection.
Set the level control to the three o’clock position.
Use the surround processor to balance the subwoofer level with the system
2A. To connect 1 subwoofer in the stereo mode (LFE is not active)
Put the input switch in the up position. Stereo is selected. All inputs are enabled.
Put the filter switch in the up position. Low pass is selected. The filters are
Connect the left and right preamplifier outputs to the left mono/LFE and right
inputs. Connect the left/mono and right outputs to the left and right amplifier
inputs. Use either single-ended or balanced connections.
Set the crossover points for high-pass frequency and low-pass frequency using
the frequency adjust buttons.
Adjust the level control to balance the subwoofer with the system loudspeakers.
2B. To connect 2 subwoofers in the stereo mode (LFE not active)
Put the input switch in the down position. Mono/LFE is selected. The right
stereo input and output are disabled.
Put the filter switch in the up position. Low pass is selected. The filters are
Connect the left or right preamplifier output to the left mono/LFE input.
Connect the left mono output to the left or right amplifier input. Use either single-
ended or balanced connections.
Set the crossover points for high-pass frequency and low-pass frequency using
the frequency adjust buttons.
Adjust the level control to balance the subwoofer with system loudspeakers.
Repeat for the second subwoofer.
Connecting the
Resolution Subwoofer
to Your System