1 1
C lean th e p ilo t assem b ly also . A
y e l l o w t i p o n t h e p i l o t f l a m e
indicates dust and dirt in the pilot
assembly. There is a small pilot air
in let h o le ab o u t tw o in c h es fro m
where the pilot flame comes out of
the pilot assembly (see Figure 18).
W ith th e u n it o ff, ligh tly b lo w air
through the air inlet hole. You may
b lo w th ro u g h a d rin k in g stra w if
c o m p r ess ed air is n o t availab le.
Figure 18-Pilot Air Inlet Hole
Air Passageways
Use a vacuum cleaner or pressurized
air to clean.
Use a soft cloth dampened with a
mild soap and water mixture. W ipe
t h e c a b i n e t t o r e m o v e d u s t .
If you remove logs for cleaning,
r e f e r t o
I n s t a l l i n g L o g s
, p a g e
19, to properly replace logs.
Replace log(s) if broken or chipped
(dime-sized or larger).
Periodically inspect all burner flame
h oles with the healer run n in g. All
slotted bu rn er flame h oles sho uld
be open with yellow flame present. All
round burner flame holes should be
o p e n w i t h a s m a l l b l u e f l a m e
presen t. S ome burn er flame holes
may becom e b lock ed by debris or
ru st, w ith n o flam e present. If so,
turn off heater and let cool. Either
remove blockage or replace burner.
B lo c k e d b u rn e r f la m e h o le s w ill
create soot.
All troubleshooting items
are listed in order of operation.
Turn off heater and
let cool before servicing. Only a
qualified service person should
service and repair heater.
CAUTION: Never use a wire,
needle, or similar object to clean
ODS/pilot. This can damage ODS/
pilot unit.
When ignitor button is pressed, there is
a spark at ODS/pilot but no ignition.
1. Gas supply turned off or equipment
shutoff valve closed.
2. Control knob not in PILOT position.
3. Control knob not pressed in while in
PILOT position.
4. Air in gas lines when installed.
5. Depleted gas supply.
6. ODS/pilot is clogged.
7. Gas regulator setting is incorrect.
1. Turn on gas sup ply or o pen
equipment shutoff valve.
2. Turn control knob to PILOT position.
3. Press in control knob while in PILOT
4. Continue holding down control
knob. Repeat igniting operation
until air is removed.
5. Contact local propane/LP gas
6. Clean ODS/pilot (see Cleaning
and Maintenance,page 10 ) or replace
ODS/pilot assembly.
Replace gas control.