Figure 8 A2P Board Dimensions
Example Program
Example I
Use PULSEIN command to read GP2Y0A02YK analog output data through A2P module.
Connect the GP2Y0A02YK to A2P board. Then connect the Pulse Output pin of A2P to
BASIC Commander
pin 0 to measure the pulse width.
Sub main()
Dim temp As Word
Pulsein 0,0,temp
‘measure pulse width
Debug “Input Signal =”, Temp,CR ‘display pulse width
Pause 100
‘wait 100ms
‘infinite loop
End Sub
Example II
Use GETADC command of I/O Extender to measure GP2Y0A02YK
analog output directly.
Set the DIP switch of the I/O Extender module to 0 and connect it to the BASIC Commander
Then connect the Analog Output pin of GP2Y0A02YK
to I/O Extender pin PA0.
Peripheral MyIO As IOExtenderA @ 0
‘declare module ID as 0
Sub main()
Dim temp As Word
‘start pin PA0 AD conversion
MyIO.GetADC 0,temp
‘read AD value
Debug “Input Signal =”, Temp,CR
‘display AD value
Pause 100
‘wait 100ms
‘infinite loop
End Sub