7. FAQ
Q 1 : I forgot the ID and password for the administrator account, so I cannot log into the
administration Page.
A :
Make sure IP Kamera 9060(A) is powered on and press the “reset” button behind IP Kamera
9060(A ) for at least 10 seconds, to help default camera setting to factory setting.
Note : Factory Administrator ID and Password
ID: admin
Password : 12345678
Q 2 : The Web Kamera does not launch?
A :
Upgrade Internet Explorer to 5.0 or higher version.
Sometimes the web camera base cannot bring 'index.html' from the web
Camera when the Internet Explorer version is under 4.0. And remember to adjust internet default level to
low when launching IP Camera’s AP for the first time.
Q 3 : The Image recording can not stop immediately?
A :
If your IP is virtual IP, than it will not be happened. If your IP is true IP (EX: PPPOE or FIX
IP….),than it might be happened. You need to wait for a second and it will be return to normal.