IP 9060(A) Default static dynamic IP Address is
the last digit of IP address (default is
100) can be any number between 1~254, but can not
same as your PC.
If using in any PC, just use HUB and type the in Browser or use “ipedit.exe “ then you can get
in the webpage.
* Same
: The first 3 number of IP address is same - XXX.XXX.XXX.abc. The part of
XXX is same. Fro Example : IP address is
.100 ,
then another IP address
.123 is the IP
in same segment .
Step 4
: Double click the picture in the window of
or type the IP address in the IE browser, you can
open the web page of IP9060. If you can not open the web page of IP9060, be sure that you have set the
same segment of your PC and IP 9060(A) installed IE 6.0 with SP1 or later version.
After 9060(A) had been installed on your PC, it will be registered in DirectX automatically. Therefore, it
can be used as local camera by any software that supported DirectX , such as MSN, Amcap, Media
encoder, Yahoo Messenger as long as you not change the directory path of 9060’s driver.
For those software that only supported old VFM driver, such as Vidcap and netmeeting, please click
install VFM device
, then you can get the captured images from 9060(A) (you should be the
administrator at the first install process)
For those not totally compatible with VFM, such as QQ and POPO, you should click
remove device
button first, then click
install VFM device
, then you can get the captured images from 9060(A).
: if stay for long time as in web page , you would be unable setting and see message
“ Cookie time
out “ , please go to
IE to change setting: “ Tools “
“ Internet operations ” , please click “ Delete
Cookies “ and “Delete files “ in “ Temporary Internet file “.