V0.1 23
Communication Command
Direct command
It is to send a command to the product to perform the action corresponding
to the command.
Statement form: [HEAD][SET ID][COMMAND][END]
Ex) Power On: [K:][ALL][PON][.] → K: ALLPON.
[HEAD]: Represents the beginning of a statement. Put 'K:' always.
[SET ID]: Specifies the product that perform as the command. Put 'ALL' or ID number of the
product. (ID range: 000 to 100)
[COMMAND]: It always consists of 3Bytes. As for command, refer to page 24.
[END]: Represents the end of a statement. Put a '.' always.
Adjustment command
It is to deliver the command which enables to adjust value in the product.
Statement form: [HEAD][SET ID][COMMAND][VALUE][END]
Volume level 50%
: [K:][ALL][VOL][050[.]→ K: ALLVOL050.
[HEAD]: Represents the beginning of a statement. Put 'K:' always.
[SET ID]: Specifies the product that perform as the command. Put 'ALL' or ID number of the
product. (ID range: 000 to 100)
[COMMAND]: It is always composed with 3Bytes. As for command, refer to page 24.
[VALUE]: Adjusted value. It consists of 3Bytes ranging from 000 to 100.
[END]: Represents the end of a statement. Put a '.' always.
Status confirmation command
It is to send commands to the product to request reply about the command state
of the product.
Statement form: [HEAD][SET ID][COMMAND][END]
Ex) Input
source status
: [K:][ALL][SRC
][?] → K: ALLSRC?
[HEAD]: Represents the beginning of a statement. Put 'K:' always.
[SET ID]: Specifies the product that perform as the command. Put 'ALL' or ID number of the
product. (ID range: 000 to 100)
[COMMAND]: It always consists of 3Bytes. As for command, refer to page 24.
[END]: Represents the end of a statement. Put a '?' always.
Reply about the status confirmation command
It is to receive a reply from the product about the status command.
Statement form: [SET ID][:][COMMAND][=][REPLY]
Source status HDMI1
: [ALL][:][SRC][=][002
] → ALL: SRC=002
[SET ID]: Specifies the product that perform as the command. Put 'ALL' or ID number of the
product. (ID range: 000 to 100)
[:]: Put the ':' always.
[COMMAND]: It always consists of 3Bytes. As for command, refer to page 24.
[=]: Put the '=' always.
[Reply]: Represents the end of a statement. Put a '?' always.