Key Track
This controls how much the Key Track will affect the Cutoff frequency. The overall effect of the Keyboard Track is a
combination of this value and the overall Keyboard Track shape.
With positive values (+), the effect will be in the direction specified by keyboard tracking; if the Slope goes up, the
Cutoff will
With negative values (–), the effect will be in the opposite direction; if the Slope goes up, the Cutoff will
To create one-octave-per-octave key tracking (useful when creating pitch through filter resonance):
1. Set the Key Track amount to +60.00 semitones.
2. In Filter Key Track, set Low and Low-Mid Slopes to -1.00, and Mid-High and High Slopes to +1.00.
Filter Key Track
Keyboard Track
Most acoustic instruments get brighter as you play higher pitches. At its most basic, keyboard tracking re-creates this
effect by increasing the cutoff frequency of a lowpass filter as you play higher on the keyboard. Usually, some amount
of key tracking is necessary in order to make the timbre consistent across the entire range.
The wavestate keyboard tracking can also be much more complex, since it allows you to create different rates of change
over up to four different parts of the keyboard. For instance, you can:
Make the filter cutoff increase very quickly over the middle of the keyboard, and then open more slowly–or not at
all–in the higher octaves.
Make the cutoff increase as you play
on the keyboard.
Create abrupt changes at certain keys, for split-like effects.