Tangible Waves AE modular Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1


You have received your AE modular, now you want to get sound out of it! This short guide shows you the first steps 

into the world of modular sound synthesis, which may look a little challenging if you are used to“normal“ synths, 

whether that is hardware or software synths. With a Modular, there are no presets, you have to patch the entire signal 

flow from scratch, you could say you build a new synth every time ;-) Don‘t worry, this sounds more complicated than 

it is; if you take some time and patience (which is definitely necessary) following these examples you will soon discover 

the potential and fun of this device.

Happy patching!




Connecting the AE modular

Basics you should know

The first sound



Snap the appropriate plug for your power socket onto 

the power supply adapter 

(there are four different included for EU, US, UK, AU)


Connect the power plug with the AE modular (left side)


Connect AUDIO 1 I/O on the MASTER module with a minijack 

(3.5mm) cable to your mixer, sound system, DAW, whatever you 

use. Probably, an adapter is needed from minijack to 6.35 jack, 

chinch... depending on the input.



The I/O jacks are mono (because they can also be used for 

connecting to a Eurorack modular synth; if you use a stereo cable, 

the signal will be only on one channel.

Now, we will patch a „classic“synth that is playable via MIDI; patch as shown in the example:


Set the send MIDI Channel of your DAW, Keyboard (or whatever you use) to Channel 1


Now, AE modular gets MIDI data; the MASTER module converts these to a control voltage (CV) depending on the 

played note, a GATE signal (“high“ voltage signal when key down, „low“ voltage for key up, and MIDI timing 

informations (MIDI clock / start / stop)


These signals are available on many modules at the lower sockets of the left row of sockets (named „BUS xxx“) 

These can be patched with short patch wires to the corresponding inputs of the module (e.g. the VCO module gets 

the CV 1 input from BUS CV - red in the example above); same with ENV module, gate input GT1 and BUS GATE.


Now, AE modular should play the notes that it receives via MIDI. 



 The note range of AE modular is limited to the MIDI notes C -1 ... C4; MIDI notes outside this range will be 



The MASTER module has two switches: CH1 - OMNI selects the MIDI channel; left is MIDI channel 1, right is OMNI, 

that means MIDI Notes from all channels are received. The LEGATO switch changes the behavior of GATE signals on 

overlapping notes: with LEGATO ON, no new gate signal will be generated, with LEGATO OFF, a gate signal is 

triggered for every new MIDI note.


The dotted, violet line shows a variant: here, the ENV for the filter is not triggered by the MIDI note, but by the 

STEP10 trigger sequencer. The STEP10 iteself gets it‘s clock from the BEAT DIVIDER module; the BEAT DIVIDER 

takes the MIDI clock (which are basically 1/96th notes - very fast) and slows them down to 1/4, 1/8 or other selectable 



Now, you can set switches on the STEP 10 to the upper position, and for these steps, a trigger is generated for the 

ENV module. 


The result is: The pitch is controlled by the MIDI note, the rhythmical structure for the filter modulation by the 

STEP10 sequencer.


If you want to trigger the volume envelope (second ENV) just patch another wire from STEP10 TRIG OUT to the 

GT1 input of the second ENV.

I hope you enjoyed this first look into the world of modular synthesis with AE modular; this Quick Start Guide can give 

only a very short overview to get the thing making sound, but has given (hopefully) a first idea how the things work. 

Feel free to experiment!

 Try connections as you like, listen and try to understand „why does this sound like this“ or 

„why do I hear nothing“ (what also can happen...)! E.g. from ENV to VCO CV, from one oscillators output to CV / PWM 

/ SYNC in of another, with LFO output to everywhere... If you are lost, just get back to the simple patches that are 

described here.

Please also take the time to go through the detailed brochure that will be available soon (and sent for free to all 

Kickstarter backers who purchased a device, or otherwise available in the webshop). 


Each module has two rows of (mostly 

8) sockets at the upper edge; the left 

row are the INPUTS, the right row 

are the OUTPUTS.


A number of knobs control how the 

module works, depending on it‘s 



If it is appropriate, one or more LED‘s show what the module does (e.g. 

the speed of the LFO)


Often, outputs are doubled or tripled; this makes it easier if a signal is 

used as source for more than one input


Outputs named with „MULT“ are 4 interconnected sockets that have no 

internal connection to the module; they can be used to split or 

„multiply“signals  (similar to the multiple outputs described above)


No matter what connections you make, you cannot destroy anything!


Take a patchwire (a short one) and connect the square 
wave output of the first 2OSC module to AUDIO 1 on 

MASTER module. 


Set the PULSEWIDTH knob fully to the left, turn FREQ 1; 
now you should hear a continous  squarewave sound 

with different frequencies depending on the position of 

the knob. This may seem not so impressive, but this is our 

raw material for all further sounds!


Turn the PULSEWITH knob, listen to the variation in 
sound. Turn it continously back and forth, hear how you 

get a „dynamic“ and fatter sound (with an LFO triangle 

output to PWM input on 2OSC you can automate this).







Controlling AE modular via MIDI

to MIDI OUT of 

your DAW, 



MIDI Breakout Cable 


MIDI Cable
