a. Place the cuff around a bare arm 1-2cm above the elbow joint.
b. While seated, place palm upside in front of you on a flat surface such as a desk or table.
Position the air tube in the middle of your arm in line with your middle finger.
c. Pull the cuff end through the medal loop (the cuff is packaged like this already), turn it
outward (away from your body) and tighten it and close the Velcro fastener.
d. The cuff should fit comfortably, yet snugly around your arm. You should be able to insert one
finger between your arm and the cuff.
1. Measure on same arm each time.
2. Do not move your arm, body, or the monitor and do not move the rubber tube during measurement.
3. Stay quiet, calm for 5 minutes before blood pressure measurement.
4. If the cuff becomes dirty, remove it from the monitor and clean it by hand in a mild detergent, then rinse it thoroughly
in cold water. Never dry the cuff in clothes dryer or iron it.
Sitting Measurement
a. Be seated with your feet flat on the floor.
b. Place palm upside in front of you on a flat surface such as a desk or table
c. The cuff should be at the same level as your heart.
Lying Down Measurement
a. Lie on your back.
b. Place your arm straight along your side with your palm up.
c. The cuff should be placed at the same level as your heart.
a. Switch the monitor on by using the ON/OFF switch (ON position).
b. After applying the cuff and your body is in a comfortable position, press the “START”
button. A beep is heard and all display characters are shown for self-test.
c. If the monitor has stored results, the LCD will momentarily display the most recent
d. Then the monitor inflates the cuff until sufficient pressure has built up for a
measurement. Then the monitor slowly releases the air from the cuff and carries
out the measurement. Finally the blood pressure and pulse rate will be calculated
and displayed on the LCD screen. The blood pressure classification indicator
and Irregular heartbeat symbol (if any) will flash on the screen. The result will be
automatically stored in the monitor.
e. After measurement, the monitor will turn off automatically after 1 minute of idling.
Alternatively, press the “START” button to turn off the monitor manually.
f. During measurement, press the “START” button to turn off the monitor manually.