Full Aperture AEC Operation:
The figures in brackets in the chart at under show actual values of the dots between marked numbers on the film
speed indicator.
1. Set the Film Speed.
Lift the outer collar surrounding the Shutter Speed Dial (15) and turn it until the correct ASA number appears in
the Indicator Window (13). (The window marked "DIN" allows use of European films, in the event their ASA
rating is not specified.))
Select the Shutter Speed.
For most situations, 1/125th is an excellent choice; it's fast enough to freeze most action
stop camera
movement, and lets you shoot in most situations with today's film types. Generally, slower shutter speeds
should be used only when there's not enough light to work at 1/125th; faster speeds are required usually only for
extremely fast-moving subjects (racing cars, sports) or when shotting with telephoto lenses which naturally
magnify possible camera movement just as they magnify the subject. (See page 20 for other situations in which
faster or slower speeds may be desired)