Service Manual
5KK14BEA2AA00 / 5KK21BGA2AA00 / 5KK30BGA2AA00
Capillary Tube
The capillary tube is a long thin tube
that u lizes line fl ow resistance as an
expansion valve. The length and the
inner diameter of the capillary tube
are determined according to the ca-
pacity of the refrigera on system,
opera ng condi ons, and the amount
of refrigerant. The high pressure, high
temperature liquid refrigerant sent
from the condenser expands rapidly as
the refrigerant is sprayed out through the fi xed orifi ce in the capillary tube. As a
result, the temperature and state of the refrigerant becomes low and mist-like, and
therefore evaporates easily.
The evaporator is a heat exchanger covered with slit
fi ns. Heat is removed from the air being pulled across
the evaporator by the centrifugal fan.
The resul ng cool air is expelled through the cooling air
The accumulator is mounted on the suc on gas pip-
ing between the evaporator and the compressor.
The accumulator separates the liquid refrigerant from
the gas refrigerant, allowing only the gas refrigerant to
enter the compressor. In the accumulator, suc on gas
isled into a cylindrical vessel where the speed of the
gas is decreased.
This process separates the refrigerant contained in
the gas by the force of gravity, causing the refrigerant to accumulate at the bo om
of the vessel. As a result, the compressor is protected from possible damage caused
by liquid refrigerant intake.
High Temp./High Pressure
Liquid Refrigerant
Low Temp./Low Pressure
Gas and Liquid Mixture
From Evaporator
To Compressor