A-61601 February 2010
Print Order Details:
• if selected, allows you to print the order summary using the operating
system’s Print dialog box. A message will be displayed asking if you
want to start another scan session.
• if not selected, a message will be displayed asking if you want to start
another scan session. If you do not start another scan session, the
application will close. If you do start another scan session, the
Customer Order Information screen will be displayed.
— the Burn CD/DVD dialog box will be displayed
allowing to burn this order to a CD or DVD. You can also add other files
or folders to the same CD/DVD.
NOTE: This button may be disabled if the user does not have
permission to burn CDs and DVDs. Refer to the section entitled,
“Application configuration” in Chapter 7 for more information.
Burn Files tab
Destination Drive:
allows you to select the CD/DVD drive where you
want to write your images to media.
Files to Burn
: defaults to the customer order folder when the
completed customer order fits on one of the selected media (CD,
DVD). If more than one media is needed, then each folder in the
order will be invoked separately for burning (FD-01, FD-02, etc.).
Add Files
: use to add files to the list of files and folders to burn.
Add Folder
: use to add one folder at a time to the list of files and
folders to burn.
Remove Items
: allows you to select files or folders to remove from
the list of files and folders to burn.
Disc Label
: defaults to the order number. You can change the
default. Up to 32 characters are allowed in this field.
Close media
: defaults to checked, which will finalize the CD/DVD to
play in other PCs.