background image

Part Number 


automatically save or delete the original Raw files following processing.  See DCS Host Software User Guide
for more information on finished file processing using the DCS Host Software.

In-Camera Processing Options:


Processing Off


Tagged Images


All in Folder


All on card

In-Camera Processing Settings:


Save Original Tiffs: 

Yes (default),  No


File Type:

JPG Best, JPG Better, JPG Good, TIFF RGB (lossless)


Spatial Resolution: 

100%, 67%, 50%


Noise Reduction: 

Yes, No


Sharpening Level:

None, High, Medium, Low


Look: Product, 



Exposure Adjustment:

Yes, No


Post-Capture /- EV compensation.
Using version 3.0.10 firmware in conjunction with DCS Host Software v5.8.2 allows users to /-EV
compensation to images after they have been captured and before they have been acquired.  (Refer to the Host
Software User Guide to for more information).


Recover (deleted images)
The new Recover feature can only be used with cards which have first been formatted in the camera using the
Quick or Full Format feature.  After a Recover has been performed on a storage card, a Recover folder is created
containing the recovered images.  The recovered images should be immediately saved to another storage device,
such as a computer hard drive.  The card should not be used again until it is reformatted in the camera using the
Quick or Full Format feature.


Quick Format of storage cards
See the DCS Camera User Guide for more information on using Quick and Full Format options.


IPTC Data support.
IPTC data can now be preloaded into the camera via the DCS Host Software.


Intervalometer (

Advanced Self Timer


Timer Settings:


Frame Count


Capture Interval


Start Delay


Enable: Yes or No


Global Positioning System support (GPS)


Enhanced Storage Media Support
Kodak DCS Digital Cameras currently support Type III HDD, Type III ATA Flash, Type II ATA Flash, CF+
Type II (Microdrive), Compact Flash, Sony Memory Stick.

Changes since version 1.6.2


The Use Empty Folder feature has been removed.


New User Manual in PDF format available for current owners.


Fix for older Lexar card formatting.

Compatible DCS Host Software

This firmware is compatible with KODAK PROFESSIONAL DCS Acquire Module, KODAK PROFESSIONAL
DCS TWAIN Data Source Version 5.8.2 or higher and DCS File Format Module Version 1.1.2 or higher.


This firmware version is incompatible with DCS SDK versions 1.4.2 and older. If you have applications that use the
DCS SDK, it is recommended that you inform your customers not to upgrade to this new firmware version. DCS
