Unit Electronic Specifications
Unit Electronic Specifications
Type of Electrical Power Supply
230/240 V (± 10%) 50/60 Hz,
100/110/130V (± 10%) 50/60 Hz,
Acceptable fluctuation
± 10%
± 10%
Apparent resistance of the power
supply circuit
Permanent absorbed current
0.45 A
0.9 A
Current absorbed during the x-ray
9.5 A
22 A
Maximum absorbed power
2.2 kVA
2.2 kVA
Protection for the power supply
By shutter release at a maximum
current of 16A and a differential
current of 30 mA
By shutter release at a maximum
current of 20A and a differential
current of 30 mA
Nominal high voltage
90 kV
90 kV
Maximum corresponding tube
10 mA
10 mA
Nominal tube current
15 mA
15 mA
Maximum corresponding high
80 kV
68 kV
Tube current/voltage combination
for maximum output power
80 kV, 15 mA
85 kV, 12 mA
Nominal power for an exposure time
of 0.1 s.
at 80 kV, 15 mA: 1200 W
at 85 kV, 12 mA: 1020 W
Utilization Rate in Continuous Mode (for
example: one exposure - 85 kV, 5 mA - 13.9
second, every 3 minutes)
Utilization Rate in Intermittent Mode (for example: one
exposure - 80 kV, 15 mA - 13.9 second, every 3 minutes)
33 W
93 W
Selection of the Load Parameters:
kV (in increments of 1 kV)
From 60 to 90 kV
mA (in increments of 25%)
From 2 to 15 mA
Cooling Conditions
Maximum dissipation of heat from the x-ray
radiogenic assembly into the ambient air (for
utilization rate in continuous mode)
33 W
Accuracy of the Load Parameters
High voltage
kV ± 10%
Current in the tube
mA ± 20%
Exposure time seconds
Seconds ± (10% + 1ms)