NBK-04 K01/0922
page 9
8. Trouble Shooting
Error: The tank is full but there is no indication
Check that the float is present in the system.
If the float is present, check whether it is being blocked by foreign objects or
dirt deposits.
Check the op. SG of the float and the medium.
Error: The tank is full but the indication is too low.
Check that the density of the liquid is in accordance with the density prescribed
on the unit-label.
Check that the float has been correctly installed.
Check if dirt deposits in the over-head tube are blocking the float.
9. Maintenance
If encrustations or crystallizations build up in the immersion tube, the measuring
system must be dismantled and mechanically cleaned.
The viewing window of the roll display is made of high-quality Plexiglas and can
be cleaned with a suitable cleaning agent if necessary.
The indicator does not otherwise require any maintenance.