KAL-A(K) K05/1116
Page 11
Switching point adjustment (KAL-AK)
The potentiometer is now used to set the switching point (threshold) of the flow
switch. The switching point is displayed as a blinking LED. If the flow rate
increases to the point that illuminated LEDs (actual flow value) reaches the
position of the blinking LED (set point), the flow monitor switches over from
ALARM to FLOW. This can be seen at the display: the bi-coloured LED that was
showing a steady red light now switches to a steady green light. The output is
also switched at the same time.
slowly flashing switching point-LED (set point)
Actual value < set point
Bi-coloured LED = red
Actual value = 0: no flow present
slowly flashing switching point-LED (set point)
Actual value < set point
Bi-coloured LED = red
Actual value
Actual value too low
fast flashing switching point-LED (set point)
Actual value = set point
Flow status currently being switched
Bi-coloured LED = green
Actual value
Actual value has just reached set
slowly flashing switching point-LED
Actual value > set point
Flow status (ideal conditions)
LED actual value
Bi-coloured LED = green
This is the most desirable status.
After the settings are completed, screw the cover tightly back on the housing