MP3 Funtion
MP3 Funtion
MP3 Funtion
MP3 Funtion
MP3 Funtion
7. If you wish not to change the setting,
press STOP to return.
The bit rate setting has a strong
The bit rate setting has a strong
The bit rate setting has a strong
The bit rate setting has a strong
The bit rate setting has a strong
impact on the recording time as well as
impact on the recording time as well as
impact on the recording time as well as
impact on the recording time as well as
impact on the recording time as well as
the sound quality of the music. The
the sound quality of the music. The
the sound quality of the music. The
the sound quality of the music. The
the sound quality of the music. The
larger the bit rate, the more capacity
larger the bit rate, the more capacity
larger the bit rate, the more capacity
larger the bit rate, the more capacity
larger the bit rate, the more capacity
the recording will take; however, the
the recording will take; however, the
the recording will take; however, the
the recording will take; however, the
the recording will take; however, the
sound quality will be better.
sound quality will be better.
sound quality will be better.
sound quality will be better.
sound quality will be better.