I can’t remove the
lance from the
spray gun. What
should I do?
. Insert the quick-release end of the lance/detergent bottle into the spray gun.
Press the spray gun and lance together (about a 1/8 in.) and turn clockwise.
The lance will lock in place. Remove the lance by reversing this procedure.
Press the spray gun and lance together and turn counter clockwise. The
lance will slide out.
2. Hold the spray gun and lance in an upright position with the nozzle end on
the floor. Push the whole assembly straight down to loosen the connection,
and then follow the removal process again. You may also spray soapy water
or a lubricant in the area where the lance connects to the spray gun.
The power washer
turns on for
2 seconds, shuts
off, and will not turn
back on. Do I have
a defective unit?
1. When the water is connected, the accessories are assembled properly,
and the power switch is turned on, the power washer may turn on for 1 - 2
seconds to prime the pump. It automatically shuts off and waits for the spray
gun trigger to be pressed. When the trigger is pressed, water starts flowing
through the pump. The water sensor in the pump “senses” the moving water
and automatically turns the power washer on.
2. Turn the power switch to off, hold in the trigger on the spray gun, so that you
have a steady stream of water. While you are holding the trigger open on the
spray gun, at the same time, turn the power switch on.